Asia Trophy 2017
The brief
The Asia Trophy is a customer event with a clear focus: showcasing Switzerland as a year-round incentive and meeting destination with a wealth of authentic experiences in cities and in spectacular natural landscapes.
45 of the leading incentive and meeting agencies from 12 Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam) are descovering Switzerland during three days.
The solution and result
The Asia Trophy is based on a concept Switzerland Tourism: different teams compete against each other with challenges spread all over Switzerland. In doing so they learn about Swiss culture, history and of course get to know the Meeting and Incentive locations. In 2016 Kuoni Group Travel Experts’ and Switzerland Tourism’ led the Asia Trophy guests from Lucerne to Ticiono. tabevents takes over the lead and organisation of the digital City Challenge of the chosen city. In 2016 we were visiting Lucerne.
In order to give the guests a sustainable and impressive memory, this digital city discovery was focusing on cultur, excitment, discovery and teamwork. The guests were motivated from the very firt minute, explored Lucerne in an unique way and they laughed a lot. Off they went to the next stop with smiling faces!