
Welcome Day: The Key to Successful Employee Onboarding

Onboarding is a crucial process that helps new employees find their way in their new work environment, integrate into the company culture, and contribute to the company's success. A well-organized onboarding experience shows new employees that their employer supports them and fosters their professional development. It sets the tone for their career progression within the company and ensures that they feel welcome and valued from the very beginning.

The Importance of a Well-Planned Welcome Day

A well-executed welcome day can bring significant benefits to both new employees and the company. According to statistics on onboarding and employee retention, organizations with excellent onboarding processes see a 52% higher retention rate of new employees. A structured and engaging welcome day helps new employees feel comfortable and secure, leading to higher productivity and job satisfaction. For companies, this means improved employee retention, reduced turnover costs, and a positive work atmosphere.

Challenges in Organizing a Welcome Day

Organizing a welcome day comes with its own set of challenges:

For the employee: Information overload, meeting new colleagues, understanding team dynamics, and long presentations can be overwhelming.

For the employer: Preparing a comprehensive welcome day requires detailed planning and coordination. Time and resources must be allocated to ensure effective onboarding. It is important for leaders to be present to greet and support new employees, which can be difficult to fit into busy schedules. Additionally, actively engaging and motivating new employees, especially in virtual or hybrid formats, can be challenging.


Key Elements of an Effective Welcome Day

Through extensive research and collaboration with clients, tabevents has created an unforgettable Welcome Day concept. This Welcome Day Game is a standout feature that can be seamlessly integrated into an existing welcome day program. Here is a glimpse of a possible welcome day schedule:

Reception: New employees are greeted with coffee and croissants to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Introduction by HR or Management: A brief personal welcome speech sets the tone for the day.

Interactive Welcome Day Game: Instead of long presentations, new employees are directly divided into small teams and given iPads to start the Welcome Day Game.

Team Missions: The interactive game sends teams on a journey of team missions that promote team interaction, help new employees get to know each other, familiarize them with the company's premises, and convey important information about the company's vision, safety guidelines, compliance rules, corporate culture, key contacts, and work processes.

Sharing Experiences: After the game, the teams come together to share experiences, discuss what they have learned, and laugh at funny photos. A sense of community is created that not only fosters collaboration but also strengthens the sense of belonging and motivation of new employees.

Why tabevents is the Best Choice for Professional Welcome Day Services

Partially or fully outsourcing Welcome Day services to experts brings numerous benefits:

Experience and Expertise: With over 12 years of experience in various fields such as the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, and the hospitality sector, tabevents understands the needs and challenges of both employees and employers.

Tailored Digital Event Concept: The digital concept is customized to the themes of your company, ensuring an engaging and informative experience.

Enhanced Employee Experience: tabevents' approach ensures that new employees feel valued and supported from the very beginning, building a positive emotional connection to the company.

Proven Track Record: Clients such as the Balgrist Group, USZ, and armasuisse have experienced the benefits of tabevents' approach and receive excellent feedback from participants for their informative, exciting, and entertaining design.

Comprehensive Support: tabevents offers comprehensive support from planning to execution. This includes defining key communication themes, designing engaging games, and providing extensive technical support to ensure a smooth process.

A well-organized welcome day is crucial for successful onboarding. It not only helps new employees feel welcome but also lays the foundation for their future contributions to the company. With tabevents, you can ensure an unforgettable and effective welcome day that benefits both your new employees and your organization.

Further Resources

Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Case studies and customer testimonials that showcase our success stories.